13 Mai 💡 Ihr Fachwissen gefragt: EFNMS KPI’S BENCHMARKING SURVEY 2020
About the survey
This survey is being conducted by the EFNMS Maintenance Assessment Committee (EMAC) and has as main target to identify best practices and standard values for typical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related with maintenance function.
The survey is initially addressed to Maintenance Managers in companies established on countries members of the EFNMS and specific sectors: Oil & Gas, Energy Production, Pharmaceutical and Chemical. The survey results will be presented and discussed on the workshops arranged by EMAC at the EuroMaintenance 2021.
All the people taking part on that survey will receive the conclusions obtained after the workshop related on EuroMaintenance 2021.
Download the PDF for more detailed information:
🕮 Brochure_EFNM-Survey- 2020.pdf »
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